Christian Moraru 

Class of 1949 Distinguished Professor in the Humanities
Professor of American Literature and Critical Theory
University of North Carolina, Greensboro Department of English
3143 MHRA 1111 Spring Garden St., Greensboro, NC 27412
(336) 334-5384 (phone)
(336) 334-3281 (fax)
[email protected]

Christian Moraru is Class of 1949 Distinguished Professor in the Humanities and Professor of English at University of North Carolina, Greensboro. He specializes in American literature, especially post-1945 fiction; literary-cultural theory and history of ideas; global studies, cosmopolitanism, and comparative and world literature with emphasis on the contemporary novel; postmodernism and its 21st-century avatars; postcolonialism and its East-European developments; Cold War/post-Cold War studies in transnational perspective; narrative, ethics, community; U. S. popular culture and new material studies.

His books include Rewriting: Postmodern Narrative and Cultural Critique in the Age of Cloning (SUNY Press 2001), Memorious Discourse: Reprise and Representation in Postmodernism (Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005), Cosmodernism: American Narrative, Late Globalization, and the New Cultural Imaginary (University of Michigan Press, 2011), the manifesto monograph Reading for the Planet: Toward a Geomethodology (University of Michigan Press, 2015), and the edited essay collections Postcommunism, Postmodernism, and the Global Imagination (Columbia University Press/EEM Series, 2009) and The Planetary Turn: Relationality and Geoaesthetics in the Twenty-First Century (Northwestern University Press, 2015, with Amy J. Elias). His latest publications are the monograph Flat Aesthetics: Twenty-First-Century American Fiction and the Making of the Contemporary (Bloomsbury, 2023) and coedited volumes such as Romanian Literature as World Literature (2018), Francophone Literature as World Literature (2020), The Bloomsbury Handbook of World Theory (2022), and Theory in the “Post” Era: A Vocabulary for the 21st-Century Conceptual Commons (2022), all from Bloomsbury.

At UNCG, Christian Moraru teaches regularly graduate courses such as English 740. Studies in Contemporary and Postmodern American Literature; English 704. Studies in Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory; English 650. Modern Literary Theory; English 551. Modern Literary Theory; and English 549. The Critical Canon and Contemporary Issues. His undergraduate offerings range from English 303. Critical Approaches to the Study of Literature to English 347. Topics in Post-1800 Literature, English 252. Major American Authors: Realist to Modern, English 208. Topics in Global Literature, and English 202. European Literary Classics: Enlightenment to Modern.